Sunday, June 14, 2009

Assignment 5

I really had a lot of fun playing with this assignment. This would be great on our own website. It's just amazing what can be done with our own pictures. I loved the Warholizer site. You can just make your own art work.

This is a picture of the top of a church in Russia I took in 2007.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Assignment 4 Flickr Mash-ups

I spend about two hours just playing with some of these mash-ups. I think the kids at our library would love some of these. Oh, who am I kidding. They probably know all about these things. It's me that all of this is new to, but I am having a great time. Here is my jig saw puzzle using a friend and her family.

Assignment 3-Flickr

I really had a great time with Flickr today. I couldn't figure out how to get something other than the above as an address. It seems the others I looked at had their name or something other than a string of numbers. Not sure what I did wrong. If someone has a quick and easy answer, let me know please. I've had a flickr account, but really never have done anything with it. I really loved making a badge and putting it on the blog. I'm anxious to learn more about putting more pictures on our library site. The summer reading program will be an great time to do that.

Assignment 2

Just finished Thing 2 assignment and have to say I feel much better about the whole idea of taking this course. I've avoided saying I didn't know what Web 2.0 even was, but surprising enough I did know what it was after all. I loved the definition: “Library 2.0 simply means making your library’s space (virtual and physical) more interactive, collaborative, and driven by community needs." I also liked the comment that "we are the machine". Someone commented on their blog that the days of hiding in a dark room with a computer and no contact with the world are over. How wonderful--now we can interact and collaborate with the world. I can hardly wait to learn all the 23 things.